Cultivating connections, igniting business growth
Cultivating connections, igniting business growth
The Baltic American Chamber of Commerce (BACC) opens up the entire Baltics for U.S. companies and provides resources and connections to the U.S. market for the Baltic companies. We offer different types of memberships for different needs. You may apply for membership by filling out the form on this page, and we will get back to you with all necessary information. Memberships are subject to BACC approval.
Explore the following membership opportunities and discover the many advantages of belonging to BACC:
For individuals with an interest in the objectives of BACC but who would otherwise be ineligible for membership. For entry level professionals with less than 3 years of experience in the workforce and with an interest in the U.S. and the Baltic States relations (renewable each year for three years). No company affiliation is listed. Individual Members do not exercise a vote at General Meetings of BACC.
For individual entrepreneurship and small companies with 10 or less employees.
For companies wishing to gain credibility, visibility and networks through BACC, with discounted event and services fees, and opportunities to arrange events with BACC.
For corporations that want to maintain a high profile in the U.S. – Baltic States business community. This category entitles a select group of company executives to participate in exclusive activities and includes additional benefits not available in any other members’ categories.
Please tell us which of our membership plans you are interested in and we will get back to you as soon as possible.